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Peter Sagan makes double at Tour of California.
Date:2013-05-31        Hits:258        Back

Peter Sagan makes double at Tour of California.

Great sprint in Santa Rosa

Happy ending for Cannondale Pro Cycling at the 2013 Amgen Tour of California. After the win in the 3rd stage, Peter Sagan sprinted for the second time to the victory and took also the 8th and last stage (San Francisco-Santa Rosa, 130 km) of the race. Supported by the great job of all his teammates, first to catch the break and then to manage the finale, Sagan’s sprint didn’t leave any space to his competitors (Schorn second, Farrar third).

The Slovakian champion took home for the fourth consecutive year the green jersey of the points classification (4th win in four editions raced) and extended his stage win record at Tour of California to 10. He also took the same number of wins in 2013.

I’m happy that I won today said Sagan. Thanks to all my teammates. They did good work from the start of the stage. They did great work on the circuit. After, the last turn, then Bodnar got past Garmin to the front and I started doing my sprint in the last 200 meters and I won. I’m very happy. I’m happy with my fourth Points Jersey here in California; I hope to take this form to Switzerland and then the Tour de France. I dedicate this win to one of my Cannondale friends, Alex.

Alex Shepherd is an eleven year-old Cannondale junior development racer in Ashland, Oregon. A big fan, he remembers all of Sagan’s victory salutes, and loves the wheelies across the finish line. Alex was recently diagnosed with brain cancer.


Cannondale車隊在2013年環加賽劃下完美的句點。彼得薩根(Peter Sagan)在贏得第三站得勝利後,再度在第八站,也是最後一站,全速衝向勝利。在隊友的全力支援下,薩根(Peter Sagan)脫穎而出並掌管了比賽結局,他的衝刺讓競爭對手沒有任何空隙超越。


薩根(Peter Sagan)賽後表示:「我很高興我今天贏了,感謝我的隊友。他們從一開始就做的很好。最後一個轉彎,博多納騎到前面讓我在最後 200 米開始衝刺,最後我贏了。我很高興在加州拿到我第四件圓點衫;我希望能把這樣的表現帶到瑞士以及環法賽。我把這場勝利獻給我Cannondale的隊友,亞力克斯(Alex Shepherd)。」

亞力克斯(Alex Shepherd)是俄勒岡州阿什蘭市(Ashland, Oregon)十一歲的Cannondale年輕車手,最近被診斷患有腦癌。他是薩根(Peter Sagan)的忠實粉絲,他記得所有薩根(Peter Sagan)的勝利,他喜愛車輪壓過終點線的那一刻。